Ages 21-40: Employment & Day Services

Employment and day services provide long term job development and support. Regardless of your son or daughter’s disability, the expectation in our state is that all working age adults who receive employment and day services from the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) will be employed or on a pathway to employment. While there are exceptions to this policy, the intent is to engage everyone in his or her community as an active, contributing member.

Long-term employment and day services are typically offered through a DDA Home and Community-Based Services waiver, but sometimes the Legislature appropriates money for individuals who are not on a waiver. Be sure to ask your son or daughter’s case manager how your child can receive support to find and maintain employment.

While your son or daughter is in high school, the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, (DVR) may assist with initial job placement services.

Most adults with developmental disabilities will need long term employment support; however, services do not begin until age 21. Therefore it is important for young adults to consider staying in school until that time. Be sure to ask you DDA case manager about meeting your son or daughter’s employment needs. You may want to contact your county DD office about employment resources available to you now and in the future. Look in the blue pages of your phone book under County Government.

Printable Bulletin: The Long and Short of Employment Services


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