Dental Services

Dental Directory

The Washington State Dental Associaton and the Department of Pediatric Dentistry maintains a directory of dentists who provide care to patients with special needs. Go to the Directory

Dental Fact Sheets for Providers

The University of Washington School of Dentistry has developed fact sheets for dentists around 16 health conditions in children with mild to moderate special needs. These sheets provide dental professionals a quick overview of the conditions, medications frequently used and how the condition and medications impact oral health. Parents may want to refer to these fact sheets to better understand what their child may experience at a dental visit.Go to the Fact Sheets

Oral Health Resource List

The Center for Children with Special Health Needs maintains a stellar list of resources for professionals and families. It Includes information on maintaining good oral health, preparing for dental visits and selecting dental health providers.A Guide on Oral Health Care for Childen with Special Health Care Needs (funded by the Oklahoma Developmental Disabilities Council) is particularly helpful and comprehensive.

Go to the CHSC Oral Health Resource List Or go to SHSC Going to the Dentist Page – which is specifically targeted to parents


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