Nominate an Unsung Hero (Parent Award)

From Strengthening Families Washington
an initiative within the Department of Early Learning (DEL)

child in goggles and cape being held in the air to fly

February is Parent Recognition Month in Washington. What better way to recognize a parent, grandparent, foster or adoptive parent or other caregiver than by acknowledging all the wonderful things they do to strengthen their family and those around them in the community.

Do you know a parent, primary caregiver, guardian, foster or adoptive parent or a grandparent who shows one or more of these strengths: ability to bounce back from stress (parental resilience), a strong support system (social connections), understands their child’s developmental needs (knowledge of parenting and child development), shows empathy and support towards their child’s feelings (social and emotional competence of children), and not afraid to ask for help or receive help (concrete supports in times of need).

Research has found that these five Protective Factors reduce stress and promote the well-being of ALL families. Everyone has stress, but when families increase Protective Factors, they build and draw on natural support networks within their families and communities.

Give us your nomination and we will give special recognition to 28 individuals from around the state by awarding them publicly with an Unsung Hero Award!

We invite you to nominate a parent, primary caregiver, or guardian who lives in Washington to receive this special Unsung Hero Award. Tell us what you think is so remarkable about them. We will select 28 nominees—one for each of the 28 days in February—for a special award, which we will present to them during a

Email your nomination by January 6, 2017

Download the Unsung Hero Nomination Form (PDF)


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