Available in Print: Pathways to Respite

Thumbnail image of Pathways to Respite cover, which depicts a road washed in sunlight.

Pathways to Respite offers information and resources for those who support:

  • an older adult
  • child or adult with a developmental disability or other disability
  • adult with traumatic brain injury

Developed by Informing Families, a resource of the Washington State Developmental Disabilities Council, in partnership with the Washington State Developmental Disabilities Administration, Aging & Long-Term Support Administration, and PAVE, which administers Lifespan Respite WA.

Available in Print or Download

Electronic (pdf) copies for download: English | EspañolSoomaali | Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)

To order print copies for yourself or your organization, please fill out the form below. [Note: Vietnamese copies are expected to arrive in our office the end of June.]


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