Fall Newsletter: Plan…Connect…Achieve

Our printable fall newsletter offers information and resources for individuals and families on DDA’s No Paid Services caseload.


Boxes with check markNo Paid Services? We Want to Hear from YOU
If you have a family member who is not currently receiving a paid service, we would like to understand what, if anything, might be holding you back from requesting services.

Individual & Family Services: Planning, Connecting, Creating Access
The new Individual & Family Services waiver includes some exciting new services to help plan and connect children and adults to their communities.

Announcing the New High School Transition Toolkit
Creating a successful transition to adulthood requires a lot of planning and support from different sources. Our four-page Transition Toolkit provides a time-line and checklist to help you make the most of your high school years.

Woman at rally holds sign that reads: See the person and their ability.Learning, Growing, and Achieving at Any Age
Ideas for connecting to community and building on skills and interests beyond the school years.

Self Advocacy for Life
Noah Seidel, Self Advocacy Coordinator for The Arc of Washington State, shares the power of self advocacy at every age and aspect of life.

Ideas for making technology part of any plan.

Winter Weather Preparedness
Winter weather and flu season pose challenges for both the individual and those who provide support. It’s a good idea to start thinking about ways to prepare for your specific needs.

Download the Fall 2016 Newsletter (PDF)


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