Your Voice Belongs Here. We’re Listening.

Black background with white lettering: Your voice belongs here.


We, along with the rest of the nation, are struggling to come to terms with the systemic inequalities being laid bare for all to see. We know this is not new. What’s new is that it is being seen. Those of us who have not lived the experience are beginning to understand more deeply the ongoing injustices waged against people of color, many of whom also have disabilities and are striving to live in a society that was not built for them to thrive.

The disability community is rich with diversity. And while we have always held values of inclusion and respect for all, we know we can do better. We know there are people and stories missing from our view, not because they’re not there, but because we have not done more to provide a platform.

We want to share your stories, your thoughts and feelings, your images and voices. If you are a person with a developmental disability, or family member, who is living the experience of racial and systemic inequality, please contact us.

We want to share your voices and images to continue the growth we all need to experience so that we never return to the kind of normal that excludes, silences and defeats dreams. This is not political. This is human. We are listening.


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