Welcome Packets Now Available in Somali

New for 2020: Now Available in Somali

A basic primer on Planning and Services for Children and Adults with I/DD.

Welcome_Packet_Page_1Our four-page pamphlet provides:

  • A Star Form to help identify supports to reach goals of any kind.
  • Process to Apply for a Determination of DDA Eligibility in Washington.
  • Get Organized for Life by identifying and filing key documents that will be needed to apply for programs through a person’s life.
  • Description of Washington State’s DDA’s Wavier Programs and Community First Choice (CFC).

Get Your Copy

Download a PDF version of the four-page pamphlet (English | Spanish | Somali)

For organizations, agencies and others needing more than one or two copies, order printed copies below. Be sure to specify how many copies in each language.


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