Alternative Living Providers

What is an Alternative Living Provider?

An AL provider supports clients who are 18 or older, living in their own home or a family member’s home. As an AL provider, you will provide support to increase or maintain the individual’s independence in the home and the community. Goals will be created with the individual and the case manager. The AL will support these goals through teaching and training methods. Some of these skills may be in:

  • Establishing a residence
  • Home living
  • Community Living
  • Health and Safety
  • Social Activities
  • Community Integration
  • Protection and Advocacy
  • Any other skills identified in the individual’s person-centered service plan

As an AL provider, you will hold a business license and contract with the DSHS’ Developmental Disabilities Administration as an independent contractor. ALs have the flexibility to create their schedule, choose their amount of hours, and select the clients to work with. Each eligible client can access up to 40 hrs of AL per month. Also, providers can select the clients they would like to work with. The current starting wage for an AL provider is $27.46 an hour (as of January 2024). AL providers will also be paid for training hours and transportation miles when transporting the individual they work with.

Requirements to be an Alternative Living Provider:

  • Be 21 or older.
  • Have a high school diploma or GED diploma.
  • Be able to pass a background check.

What training is required to be an Alternative Living Provider?

To become an AL provider you must complete 75 hours of training approved by DSHS. You will work with a DDA professional to help you through the steps of training. There will be a requirement of 12 hours of continuing education after.

How to Become an Alternative Living Provider?

Work with the DDA professional in your county (https://www.dshs. or contact your local DDA Office and ask to speak with a resource manager.

What are some things you will do as an Alternative Living Provider?

As an AL provider, you will work with an individual to create the skills to live independently at home and participate in their community. Some activities to help work towards these goals include:

  • Participate in service-plan development with the individual you support and a DDA professional.
  • Work with the individual in their home and community.
  • Work on skills to increase the individual’s independence in varying settings.
  • Use teaching techniques to help individuals learn skills.

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