DSHS’ DDA Waiver Services
What Services are available, how to find providers, and more.
What are Waiver Services?
The Developmental Disabilities Administration offers five Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) waivers: The Basic Plus, Core, Children’s Intensive In-Home Behavioral Supports, Community Protection, and Individual and Family Services waivers. DDA’s waivers provide services tailored to the specific population they serve. These waivers offer services that might not be available through private insurance, Apple Health (Medicaid), school or other resources.
For more information about the waiver program, go to the Services and Information Request form, contact your Case Resource Manager, Social Worker, or regional DDA office.
I am on a DDA waiver. What services are available to me? Is there a list of services I can look at?
Some services are: Assistive Technology, Staff and Family Consultation, Respite, Specialized Habilitation, Community Engagement, and Wellness Education. Washington Administrative Code explains in depth what services are available on each waiver.
This brochure describes the waiver services: Home Comm Waiver Brochure 22-605 (3-1-23).pdf
How do I find providers for these services?
Connect with your DDA case resource manager. They can answer questions about waiver services and connect you with a qualified provider.
What is one of the ways I stay eligible for the waiver so I can receive these services?
There are many requirements to stay eligible. One of the requirements are that you receive a waiver service at least once every thirty days. You must have a need for monthly waiver services to be eligible for a waiver. If you have a temporary break in service, you must participate in a monthly monitoring contact with your DDA case manager.
What are some examples of services that are offered monthly?
Respite Care
Respite provides a short-term, intermittent break for you and your primary caregiver. Respite can be provided by a respite provider with CDWA, a contracted community settings provider, home care agencies, or other licensed facilities. You can receive respite in your home or in the community.
Wellness Education
Wellness Education is a monthly, printed educational letter crafted just for you about health-related topics and achieving wellness goals. It is based on the information in your DDA assessment and person-centered service plan.
Life Skills
Life Skills can help you learn or improve on various skills. This includes things like social skills training, healthy relationships or sex education, daily living skills, and emergency planning.