Moving to Washington State

Moving to Washington State: Introduction to Services

Services and programs often require the individual to be a resident of Washington state. If you are not a resident, visit for a step-by-step guide to becoming a resident of Washington State.

The DSHS’ Developmental Disabilities Administration, DDA, provides services and support to individuals with I/DD. To apply for DDA enrollment and services you must be a resident of Washington state. DDA cannot process your enrollment application before you become a Washington resident. To become enrolled with DDA, you or your loved one must have a qualifying condition. Qualifying conditions for developmental delay and intellectual/developmental disabilities are used to determine DDA eligible. Visit to read the full list of eligible conditions with age and type of evidence.

To apply to be a DDA client, submit a Service and Information Request. To learn more visit

If you need help contact your local DDA office. To find your local office visit

If you are moving, you will want to make sure to update your address with Social Security. Vist to update your address.

Moving from another state:

Keep in mind that eligibility for services from other states will not transfer. If you or your loved one receive services in another state, those services do not transfer to Washington state. You must become eligible with DDA before receiving services.

Services vary from state to state. Services offered in Washington may be different than what you have previously received. Once enrolled with DDA and approved for services, will receive a person-centered service plan that will outline the services you are eligible for, amount of services, and who you choose to provide the service.

Apple Health Medicaid is Washington state’s Medicaid program which provides health coverage to eligible residents. Apple Health serves low-income individuals, families, pregnant women, children, and people with disabilities. Eligibility is based on income and household size. To learn more

Washington Connections is an online portal that provides access to a variety of social services including food assistances, child care assistances, cash assistance, and more. Learn more at

Connect with your local communities. Washington has many incredible organizations and groups to help you find support and resources. Visit to learn more.

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