Pre-Admission Screening and Resident Review

If you have a family member with an intellectual/developmental disability or related condition* who has been referred for nursing facility care, the Pre-Admission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) helps provide additional services s/he may need, and can also help people interested in returning to their communities find needed supports.

The individual services offered by PASRR are intended to help people increase functional skills, maintain independence and stay connected with their communities. Every individual receiving services through the PASRR program has a person-centered evaluation that determines the needs and services that will be provided. Services may include family or peer-mentoring, community access, employment or behavior supports, habilitative therapies or assistive technology.

For more information about this program, download the PASRR flyer (PDF).


*An individual does not have to be a client of DDA in order to qualify for PASRR services. If you have a family member with I/DD or related condition who is not a client of DDA, and you have questions about the PASSR process, visit Disability Rights Washington for more information.


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