Personal Care Provider Payment Tax Exemptions

If you are a paid parent provider of personal care for your son/daughter, and have had difficulty locating the form for tax exemption on your personal care payments, click the link below to download and print the form from the Individual Provider One website:

Application for Tax Exemption

Additional information from the ipone website:


  • These exemptions are not optional. If the employee and employer qualify for these tax exemptions they must be taken.
  • If the employee’s earnings are exempt from these taxes, the employee may not qualify for the related benefits, such as retirement benefits and unemployment compensation.
  • The questions regarding family relationship refer to the relationship between the employee and the employer of record (common law employer).
  • In some cases, the program participant is the employer of record. In other cases, the employer of record may be someone other than the program participant. Check program rules.
  • Program rules may prohibit some types of employees. For example, most Medicaid-funded programs do not permit a spouse to be paid as an employee for providing services to a spouse. Check program rules.
Public Partnerships will determine the tax exemptions that apply to the employee and employer based on the information provided by the employee. PCG Public Partnerships cannot provide tax advice.



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