2019 Public Charge Rule Has Ended

Filling in an application form for immigration.

What is public charge?

Some individuals who apply for a green card (lawful permanent resident status) or a visa to enter the U.S. must pass a “public charge” test – which looks at whether the person is likely to depend primarily on government services in the future. Immigration officials look at all of a person’s circumstances, including their age, income, health, education or skills, family situation and their sponsor’s affidavit of support or contract.

What has changed?

The 2019 public charge rule from the previous administration has ended. United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will no longer consider receiving Apple Health (Medicaid) coverage a negative factor when a person is applying to become a Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR or green card).

Where can clients get more information?

Please see the Health Care Authority’s announcement on public charge.


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