Update on Special Education Guidance

From the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction


On Friday, October 20, 2017, the U.S. Department of Education reported that it had rescinded 72 documents previously used to clarify special education laws and policies under the IDEA and the Rehabilitation Act of 1972.  The manner of the announcement, and the limited information provided at that time from the U.S. Department of Education resulted in uncertainty in the disability community and concern regarding the potential impact on students.

Staff at OSPI have reviewed the listing of rescinded documents, as well as those documents available online. We are confident that the guidance documents were out-of-date or were no longer applicable or had been replaced with newer guidance.  No regulations under IDEA were rescinded, and there were no changes to any federal or state laws. The rescinding of these documents will not impact services or regulations that support the education of students with disabilities in Washington State, nor does it demonstrate any change in OSPI policy or provision of technical assistance. We will continue, as you will, to work on behalf all Washington state students.



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