New Waiver Service: Specialized Habilitation

A group of friends with intellectual disabilities living a vibrant and happy life.

The Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) is offering a new waiver service called Specialized Habilitation. Specialized Habilitation can help you create healthy relationships, adapt to challenges, and improve your overall quality of life.

To help give you an idea of what to expect, the following examples show some of the skills that Specialized Habilitation can help you build within each category:

Self Empowerment

Building self-esteem and confidence
Reflecting on personal values and skills
Adjusting behavior to reach goals and handle problems

Safety Awareness & Self Advocacy

Safely navigating life online and in the community
Learning about sexuality and healthy personal relationships
Learning to say no, or asking for what is needed

Interpersonal Effectiveness & Effective Social Communication

Developing listening skills
Balancing goals with ‘wants’ and ‘shoulds’
Learning how to uphold and maintain personal values

Coping Strategies for Everyday Life Challenges

Missing the bus
Adjusting to a new caregiver, roommate or family member
Moving to a new home

Learning New Skills

Ordering food in a restaurant
Shopping and paying for things
Paying bills and managing money


Specialized Habilitation is for anyone enrolled in the Individual and Family Services (IFS)*, Basic Plus, Children’s Intensive In-Home Behavior Support (CIIBS) or Core waiver (and not receiving residential habilitation services).

Unlike behavioral health services, no diagnosis is required; service plans are focused on specific goals the person wants to work on.

Contact your DDA Case Resource Manager to see how Specialized Habilitation supports can help you meet your goals.

*This is a waiver service only. Individuals enrolled in the IFS state-only program are not eligible.

Specialized Habilitation (PDF)


Interested in becoming a Specialized Habilitation provider?


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