Social Security Disability Benefits 2018 Red Book

Cover image of the 2018 Social Security Administration Red Book.

What is it?

The Red Book is the Social Security Administration’s free guide to employment supports for recipients of Social Security disability benefits, Supplemental Security Income, or both. It explains  work incentives, how working can affect benefits, where to find local services, and more.

Who is it for?

Educators, rehabilitation specialists, and counselors rely on this publication every year. If you work with individuals who are thinking about working now or may want to work in the future, the Red Book can help them consider the possibilities.

How to Order


Click here to download a copy in English or Spanish.


For a free printed copy of the 2018 Red Book, send a request by mail to:

Social Security Administration
Office of Supply and Warehouse Management
Requisition and Quality Control Team
6401 Security Boulevard
2508 Robert M. Ball Building
Baltimore, MD 21235-6301

Email, Phone or Fax

Phone: (410) 965-2039
Fax: (410) 965-2037


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