Endowment Trust Fund

The Developmental Disabilities Endowment Trust Fund (DDETF) is a special needs trust that allows individuals with developmental disabilities or their families to set aside funds for future use without affecting their eligibility for government services and benefits.

Funds can be used for a wide range of life enhancing services and needs that are not provided by government services or benefits. These may include things like assistive equipment or technology, a trip, or instructional classes on painting or swimming. Funds may also be used to pay for tuition or training and other services that assist with employment.

In addition to being an affordable, accessible and life-enhancing program for individuals with developmental disabilities, the DD Endowment Trust Fund provides incentives in the form of state matching funds on fees for the individual trust accounts.

For more information about the DD Endowment Trust Fund call 888.754.8798 ext. 1 or visit their website.


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