Ages 0-3: Resources


Dental Education in Care of Persons with Disabilities (DECOD)
A special program of the School of Dentistry that treats persons with severe disabilities. Find a directory of dentists trained to treat children with special needs, as well as helpful dental care fact sheets related to specific conditions.

Early Intervention for Infants with Hearing Loss & Hearing Loss Helper
Includes a variety of services provided to infants with hearing loss and their families, such as: Service coordination; Family training; Counseling; Home visits from early intervention providers; Sign language and cued language instruction; Hearing/audiology; Speech-language pathology; Assistive technology devices. Designed to help infants with hearing loss develop age-appropriate communication skills and supported by research showing that infants with hearing loss who start intervention by 6 months of age are less likely to have developmental delays.

Family to Family Health Information Center
Family to Family helps families of children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN) and the professionals who serve them identify sources that may be of use when looking for healthcare funding. Visit  or call 800-572-7368 ext. 108.

WithinReach helps families across Washington State navigate complex health and social service systems and connect with the resources – food assistance, health insurance, childhood screenings and more – they need to be healthy and safe. Call the Help Me Grow Washington Hotline at 1-800-322-2588 or visit to get connected.

WA Apple Health and Apple Health for Kids
Health care for adult individuals at or below 133% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). Formerly known as Medicaid. Apple Health for Kids coverage is free to children in households with income at or below 210% of the FPL and available for a monthly premium to children in households with income at or below 312% of the FPL. 1-800-562-3022

WA Healthplanfinder
Find, compare and enroll in health insurance.

WA Prescription Drug Program (WPDP)
Free to anyone who lacks prescription drug coverage.  1-800-913-4146

Other Resources

Basic Food
Monthly benefits to help low-income individuals and families buy food. 1-877-501-2233

Center on Human Development and Disability (CHDD)
A range of on-site clinical service programs that serve primarily children, with or at risk for developmental, learning, and behavioral problems.

My Life Plan
Created by a partnership between the DD Council and The Arc of Washington State, is a free online tool to help you plan for the future. The questions have been designed with input from families and professionals to identify age-specific questions related to a person’s strengths, interests. My Life Plan puts the individual at the center of life decisions every step of the way.


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