Ages 6-14: Resources


Office of the Education Ombuds
The OEO facilitates the resolution of individual complaints regarding issues or concerns that impact any student in Washington’s public school system.

Sound Options Group
Conflict engagement, mediation and skill development training.
Call 800-692-2540 or visit their website.

OSPI: Special Education Dispute Resolution
If you are unable to come to an agreement with your child’s teacher or school about your child’s educational goals, the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction’s website has a Special Education Dispute Resolution page for resolving disagreements.

Special Education Technology Center
Assists with the special technology needs of special education students.


Dental Education in Care of Persons with Disabilities (DECOD)
A special program of the School of Dentistry that treats persons with severe disabilities. Find a directory of dentists trained to treat children and adults with special needs, as well as helpful dental care fact sheets related to specific conditions.

Family to Family Health Information Center
Family to Family helps families of children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN) and the professionals who serve them identify sources that may be of use when looking for healthcare funding. Visit  or call 800-572-7368 ext. 108.

WithinReach helps families across Washington State navigate complex health and social service systems and connect with the resources – food assistance, health insurance, childhood screenings and more – they need to be healthy and safe. Call the Help Me Grow Washington Hotline at 1-800-322-2588 or visit to get connected.

Special Education Technology Center
Assists with the special technology needs of special education students.

Housing and In-Home Supports

Apply for DDA in-home services/supports (e.g., Personal Care, Respite, Supported Living, Companion Home, Adult Family Home)

Apply for HUD federal housing assistance. Contact your local Housing Authority to find out how long the waiting list is. (visit locator)

Legal Advocacy and Protection

Disability Rights Washington
Legal services for disability rights violations, general information about legal rights, community education and training.  1-800-562-2702 Language interpreters are available via the AT&T Language Line. Please use 711 for Washington Relay Service (TTY).

NW Justice Project
Civil legal assistance and representation to low-income people in situations affecting basic human needs, such as family safety and security, housing preservation, protection of income, access to health care, education and other basic needs.  1-888-201-1012 (Outside King County) | 2-1-1 (Inside King County)

Washington LawHelp
Provides information about legal issues and where to find legal help for low-income individuals.

If you suspect that a child or vulnerable adult is being abused or neglected, call this number: 1-866-363-4276 The operator will connect you with the right DSHS office to make your report. [Note: If you are calling about an immediate life-threatening emergency, call 911.]


DD Endowment Trust Fund
Considerations in planning for the future may include wills and special needs trusts.  One option for you to explore is the DD Endowment Trust Fund (ETF), administered by The Arc of Washington State. This public/private partnership creates a stable resource to enhance the quality of life for people with developmental disabilities.  For more information, call toll-free 1-888-754-8798 ext. 1.

Other Resources

Basic Food
Monthly benefits to help low-income individuals and families buy food. 1-877-501-2233


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