DDA No Paid Service Caseload Updates

DDA No Paid Services Caseload

The Developmental Disabilities Administration has received funding to hire case managers for almost every person enrolled with DDA. If you are on the DDA’s No-Paid Service caseload, this includes you.

What should I expect?

As case managers are phased in, you will receive a letter with contact information for your new case manager.

Each case manager will make annual outreach phone calls to:

  • Give you referrals to local resources and informal support.
  • Schedule an assessment for paid services if you’re ready to receive them.

You can contact your case manager at any time to ask about services, or if your needs have changed. If you are not ready for services, your case manager will make sure you know how to apply in the future if needed.

Case managers will support you in finding non-DDA resources and services such as:

  • Section 8 or other public housing applications.

  • Rental assistance.

  • Apple Health Insurance Care Coordinator (medical and behavioral health).

  • Public benefits, such as food or cash assistance.

  • Child care subsidy programs.

  • Food and clothing bank locations.

You can also request a paid service such as Community Engagement, which supports people with developmental disabilities to participate and engage in their community. This is available to people enrolled in Basic Plus, IFS, and Core waivers. This is just one of the many DDA service options you can request.

What’s Next?

You may receive a call from an outreach worker who is not a case manager. They will ask about your needs, discuss DDA service, confirm your contact information, and ask if you would like to request paid services now or within the next year.

In 2023 you may also receive an invitation to take a survey asking about your service needs. This survey and outreach call helps us understand the needs of those who aren’t receiving a service, which helps with resource planning and training.

You can request services now by filling out a service request online at https://www.dshs.wa.gov/dda/service-and-information-request or by locating your local DDA office at https://www.dshs.wa.gov/dda/find-dda-office.

Printable Bulletin (English)


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