Distance-Based Observation and Reporting Available

What is does DBOR stand for? 

DBOR stands for “Distance-Based Observation and Reporting”. DBOR is a part of Assistive Technology (AT), a waiver service of the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA). AT is available on all five waiver programs when a waiver participant requires technology in order to receive waivers-funded remote supports to maintain, or improve independence with daily living, to increase safety, or to help with social communication.

What is Assistive Technology?

AT are items or equipment used to increase, maintain, or improve the purposeful capabilities of waiver participants. Assistive technology includes a person-centered evaluation and the purchasing or leasing of assistive technology devices.

What does Assistive Technology include? 

AT can include many devices such as tablets, switches, sensors, and more, that are necessary for the waiver participant to receive DBOR support from the waiver service provider.

Read the informational flyer below to read about the steps to receive Distance-Based Observation and Reporting and what it can provide:

Distance-Based Observation and Reporting Information Flyer


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