Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR)

What is DVR?

The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) is a statewide resource that assists individuals with disabilities in preparing for, maintaining, and securing employment. DVR partners with organizations and businesses throughout the state to provide employment opportunities.

Services through DVR The services individuals receive are based on individual needs and unique circumstances and may include one or more of the following:

  • Counseling & guidance.
  • Specialized services for Deaf/Hard of Hearing/Late Deafened/Deafblind.
  • Assessment services.
  • Benefits planning.
  • Independent living services.
  • Assistive technology services.
  • Training & education.
  • Job-related services.

High School Transition Services through DVR If you have a high school student with a disability preparing to move into the workplace, DVR can help. DVR offers transition services that work with students, parents, school staff, and school transition counselors to identify career interests.

They will then assist in learning the necessary skills and provide possible training required for the careers they are interested in. DVR provides job exploration and work readiness for competitive, integrated employment after high school for students with an IEP or a 504 plan. To learn more about transition services visit https://www.dshs. wa.gov/dvr/high-school-transition.

How to Receive DVR Services and Eligibility

To apply for services, contact the DVR office nearest to you to be connected with a counselor. The counselor will provide you with more information about DVR services and an application. You must complete an application with DVR before services can begin.

You are eligible for DVR services if you:

  • Have a physical, mental or sensory disability that results in a barrier to employment.
  • You require vocational rehabilitation services to get or keep a job.
  • You can work as a result of receiving DVR services.

Once you are determined eligible for DVR services, you will be connected to a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor and a team of professionals who will support you on your journey to obtaining and maintaining employment.

Other Resources for Job Seekers

DVR provides a variety of resources for those seeking employment. Visit https://www.dshs.wa.gov/ dvr/resources-job-seekers to learn more.

For assistance with a Referral to DVR Contact:

  • Spokane Supervisor for DVR ESH Liaison–509-363-4700
  • Tacoma Supervisor for DVR WSH Liaison–253-983-6500

If you are interested in DVR services reach out to your nearest DVR office. Visit the office location at https://www.dshs.wa.gov/dvr/about-dvr.

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