Ready, Set, Know: DDA Eligibility Flow Chart

Flowchart graphic with red stick figure and question mark in the center.

There are many steps to receiving services from the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA). Our updated flowchart walks you through the ins and outs of the eligibility process.

Download the flowchart (PDF)


Text version:

1. Are You a Client of DDA?

Answer: No

Fill out a Request for DDA Eligibility Determination. Obtain an application from your local DDA office or online. Be sure s to submit all the required documentation with your application:

  • Signed Consent form
  • Full Scale IQ tests
  • Adaptive skills tests
  • Psychological reports
  • School records (for children or young adults)
  • Medical records related to the disability

Answer: Yes

See question # 3.


2. Have You Been Determined DDA Eligible?

Answer: No

Individuals who meet financial eligibility for SSI and Apple Health may still qualify for personal care and other services under Community First Choice (CFC):

  • For persons under age 18, contact DDA.
  • Persons 18 or older, apply for CFC through a DSHS Home & Community Services Office: resources

Answer: Yes

Contact DDA to request services.


3. Are you receiving a paid DDA service?

Answer: Yes

If your family member’s needs or circumstances have changed and they have an unmet need, contact your DDA Case Manager to request additional services and/or hours.

Answer: No

Are you looking for personal care services to help with activities of daily living (e.g., dressing, bathing, hygiene, toileting, cooking, shopping)?

  • Contact DDA to request Community First Choice (CFC).
  • You will need to be Medicaid-eligible in order to receive CFC services

Are you looking for services other than personal care, such as respite, supported employment, supported living, and more?

  • Contact DDA to request a Home & Community Based Services waiver.
  • You will have a functional assessment and your DDA case manager will submit a waiver request on your behalf. If you are approved, DDA will notify their Long Term Care Team who will contact you by mail to determine your financial eligibility.
  • NOTE: You do NOT have to be Medicaid eligible to request a waiver.


4, Are You Eligible for SSI or Apple Health?

Answer: Yes

  • If you requested CFC Services, a functional assessment will be done to determine your personal care hours and other CFC benefits.
  • If you requested Waiver Services you will meet with your DDA case manager to create a person-centered service plan and begin services.

Answer: No

If you requested waiver services for a minor, and your family income is too high to qualify, your family resources will be disregarded for children eligible to receive waiver services. You will meet with your DDA case manager to create a person-centered service plan and begin services.





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