Enhanced Respite for Children and Youth

Short-term respite, stabilization, and plan development for children and youth with I/DD (ages 8-18)

Enhanced Respite Services provide access to short term respite services in a structured community-based setting for DDA enrolled children and youth who meet specific criteria (see below). Services are intended to provide a break in caregiving for families/caregivers; the opportunity for behavioral stabilization of the child; and the ability to partner with the state in the development of an individualized service plan to enable the child to return and remain at home.

Supports and Training for the youth and family include:

  • Short-term break in caregiving, up to thirty (30) days total in a calendar year.
  • Data collection related to the child’s challenging behaviors which can be used in the development of a Functional Assessment (FA) and a Positive Behavior Support Plan (PBSP).
  • Participation in service coordination with the Case Resource Manager (CRM) and MCO Case Manager when appropriate.
  • Observation and development of therapeutic teaching and training techniques that are useful to support their child upon his/her return home.

Services are Provided in Licensed Staffed Residential homes, in lieu of a short term stay at a Residential Habilitation Center.

Map of Washington State with red locator pins for each of the four enhanced respite locations. Everett, Ferndale, Longview, Spokane.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Eligible for DDA services per RCW 71A.10.020(3);
  • At least eight (8) years of age and under age eighteen (18);
  • At high risk of institutionalization and/or out-of-home placement; and,
  • Appropriate and available services have been accessed by the family prior to requesting Enhanced Respite Services.

Approval Process

  • Boxes with check markContact your family member’s DDA Case Manager to request Enhanced Respite Services.
  • The Enhanced Respite Committee will review your respite application and DDA assessment.
  • Once approved, you will work with the provider to develop a plan that outlines the supports that your family member will receive.

Printable Bulletin

Enhanced Respite Services for Children and Youth (PDF)


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