Health Care Toolkits for People with Disabilities

Be an active participant in your health by making sure that your health care providers have the information they need to ensure the best treatment for your specific needs and condition. The following free toolkits include handouts, worksheets, and information to help everyone be better informed and involved.


For Health Care Providers

Health Care for Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

mobile device with speech bubbles that read:, austism, Down syndrom, Health Watch, IDDThe IDD Toolkit website offers health care information for primary care physicians and nurses to provide improved care to adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Checklists and disability-specific tables may help guide medical treatments and preventive care. Sections address informed consent and behavioral and mental health concerns, including crisis management and prevention.

Includes health considerations and recommendations specific to: Autism; Down Syndrome; Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD); Fragile X Syndrome; Prader-Willi Syndrome; Williams Syndrome; 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome.

For Youth and Families

got transition logoGot Transition

Dedicated to improving the supports for health care transition for young people with disabilities who move into adult health care.

Portrait of three young children lying on grass looking upGoing from Tween to Teen: It’s time to be
more in charge of your health

An easy to read guide that includes activities to help youth be more in charge of their heath and life (created by the Washington State Department of Health).

Health & Wellness 101: The Basics

A checklist that you can use that addresses the changing role of youth in the health care process (created by Healthy & Ready to Work National Resource Center).

For Individuals with Disabilities

Health Care Toolkit

Created by the Wisconsin Council on Developmental Disabilities, the Health Care Toolkit includes forms, worksheets and questions to help you introduce yourself to your doctor, things you need her/him to know about you, and information/instructions for after your visit.

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