Know the Signs: Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation

Outline of a hand with the words for Stop along with the word Abuse

Possible signs that someone you know is being abused, neglected or exploited

  • Dirty clothes and/or poor hygiene.
  • Sudden change in behavior, such as anger, depression or anxiety, with no known cause (e.g., illness, grief over a loss).
  • Unexplained fear or fears of certain people or places.
  • Refusal to go home, or escalation of behaviors when going home (or any specific location).
  • Recurrent complaints about house mates, caregivers, family members, or others doing things that cause distress.
  • Missing belongings and/or money.
  • Unexplained bruises, welts, burns.
  • Flinching when touched or approached.
  • Unexplained outbursts and/or crying.
  • References to punishment or threats of punishment (or harm).

If you believe that you or someone you know is being abused, neglected or exploited, TELL SOMEBODY.

END HARM Toll-Free Number 1-866-363-4276

Call 1-866-END-HARM (1-866-363-4276) if you have concerns about a situation involving physical, sexual, emotional, or financial harm to a child or vulnerable adult. END HARM is a phone line manned by Children’s Administration, but it handles calls for all ages.

TIP: Store the END HARM number (1-866-363-4276) on your phone. Use the END HARM logo for visual communication devices to indicate that you need to report your concerns.

If you need immediate help, call 9-1-1.

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Download our Printable KNOW THE SIGNS Flyer (PDF)



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