Back to School Planning for Remote Learning

From the Governor’s Office of Education Ombuds

 schoolgirl studying homework math during her online lesson at home, social distance during quarantine, self-isolation, online education concept.

Back to School Planning for Remote Learning

A checklist for families and school teams to create plans together. Most families won’t have all these things set up at home already, but schools should have some of these things ready to share and ideas for other community resources.

To download a checklist for print, click on a language link at the bottom of this page.

Basic Necessities

  • Safe Space for Learning
  • Comfortable place to sit
  • Desk or table
  • Limited distractions
  • Meals during the school day: Breakfast, lunch, and snacks

Adult Support

  • Prepare and supervise school meals
  • Keep on daily schedule (start classes, do independent work)
  • Set up device (tablet, computer, apps)
  • Support during live remote instruction, if needed
  • Support during independent work
  • Training for adults about how to provide learning and behavior supports during remote learning

NOTES: Students will need different amounts of support just as families will be able to provide different amounts. What supports can teachers and schools provide remotely? When is in-person adult support needed? When and where is that available? How can the school schedule be built to match family resources and needs?

Learning Devices and Internet Connection

  • One device for each student
  • Microphone (for speaking) and speakers/headset (for listening)
  • Camera (to participate in video classes)
  • Keyboard, mouse, other adaptive equipment
  • Connection to High Speed Internet
  • Learning apps and programs loaded on device
  • Accounts and passwords set up
  • Training for student and family on how to use each program
  • Tech support contact information for school or district

NOTES: If the student doesn’t have a device or reliable internet, consider other ways to communicate and exchange learning materials regularly, such as by phone, socially distant visits, pick-ups and drop-offs of materials, or mail. Some districts may also be able to provide some in-person services if it is safe for the family, student, and staff.

Other School Supplies

  • Pen, pencil, paper
  • Printer and ink cartridges (if printing is required)
  • Art supplies
  • Science project supplies
  • Physical Education (PE) space for activity and supplies

Plan for Individualized, Specialized Supports

  • Plan and meet to update IEP or Section 504 Plan
  • Plan for delivery of English Language instruction (ELL)
  • Plan for delivery of Learning Assistance Program (LAP) supports (individual or small group supports for academics and/or behavior)
  • Plan for other specialized, individualized supports

NOTES: Plan in advance if your child receives supports for: special education; individual accommodations; English learners; additional assistance in reading, writing, math, or behavior; homelessness; and/or foster care. If it is safe for you, your student, and school staff, you may be able to include some in-person supports in the plan.


Remote Learning Checklists

Amharic  ለርቀት ትምህርት ወደ ትምህርት ቤት የመመለስ ዕቅድ
Arabic2020 التخطيط للعودة إلى المدرسة للتعلم عن بعد
Chinese Traditional 返校遠程學習計劃
Chinese Simplified 远程学习返校计划
French Planning du Retour à l’École pour les Apprentissages À Distance 
Khmer ការរៀបចំផែនការត្រឡប់ចូលរៀនវិញ​សម្រាប់​ការសិក្សាពីចម្ងាយ
Korean 원격 학습을 위한 학교 개학 계획  | Punjabi ਰਿਮੋਰਟ ਸਿਖਲਾਈ ਲਈ ਸਕੂਲ ਵਿੱਚ ਵਾਪਸੀ ਯੋਜਨਾ 
Russian возвращение к школьному планированию для дистанционного обучения 
Somali Qorshaha Ku laabashada Dugsiga ee Barasha fog
Spanish Planificación del regreso a la escuela para el aprendizajel remoto 
Tagalog Pagpaplano ng Pagbabalik eskwela para sa Malayuang Pag-aara
Tigrinya ውጥን ምምላስ ናብ ቤት-ትምህርቲ ንናይ ርሕቀት ትምህርቲ
Vietnamese Lập kế hoạch trở lại trường học cho học tập từ xa


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