Ready, Set, Know: Other Federal Benefits

Social security card and American money dollar bills close up

Your Family Member May be Eligible to Receive Federal Benefits in Addition to SSI and Medicaid

Social Security

  • Does your family member have a parent that is receiving Social Security Retirement benefits, Social Security Disability Benefits, or is deceased? OR…
  • Has your family member ever worked for a community employer? OR…
  • Is/was your family member married to an individual that received Social Security Retirement benefits, Social Security Disability Benefits or is deceased?

Federal Employment Survivor (Office of Personnel Management)

  • Does your family member have a parent that is a retired federal employee? OR…
  • Does your family member have a parent that had federal employment and is deceased?

U.S. Railroad Survivor

  • Does your family member have a parent that is a retired Railroad worker or worked for the Railroad for more than ten years?
  • If yes, has the worker filed for Medicare or is deceased?

Veteran’s Administration (Helpless Child, Dependency and Indemnity Compensation for Survivor or Pension for Survivor Benefits)

  • Does your family member have a parent that served in the Armed Forces?

If yes…

  • Did they retire from military service? OR…
  • Were they discharged due to a service connected disability? OR…
  • Did they serve at least one day during a wartime period? OR…
  • Are they enrolled in Tricare or Champ/VA?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, your family member may be eligible for monetary or medical benefits in addition to SSI and Medicaid.

Learn More

If you have questions about applying for these benefits, please contact Kristina Bachmann or  Jennifer Gill or call 360-829-4934.

Additional information and applications:


Printable Bulletin (PDF)


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