DDA Overnight Planned Respite

Community-based short-term respite for adults with developmental disabilities who live in the family home.

Overnight Planned Respite is a community-based, short-term respite for adults with developmental disabilities who live at home with their family or primary caregiver. It offers a break to family or a primary caregiver. A primary caregiver can be paid or unpaid, related or not, be an individual provider, or a companion home provider.

Services are provided in a community setting, such as a home or duplex staffed by contracted, certified providers. Each respite setting serves one person at a time. Respite providers write a person-centered plan with the individual and family or primary caregiver to create a schedule and activities that meet the person’s needs.

Respite Settings are Currently Located in 6 areas of the state: Bellingham, Lynnwood, Tacoma, Olympia, Vancouver, and Spokane. You do not have to live in these cities to utilize this service. How it Works

Boxes with check markService Request

Contact the DDA case manager for the person you support. Ask about Overnight Planned Respite. Each adult can access up to 14 days each calendar year.

A Case Manager will review the individual’s CARE Assessment with you to ensure the information is up-to-date. Overnight Planned Respite does not affect (or reduce) assessed respite hours received through a waiver program. It is assessed and approved as a separate service.

The Respite Coordinator will review your request and updated assessment. The coordinator reviews requests up to 180 days in advance of your requested respite dates.

Individualized Respite Agreement
When the request is approved, you will work with the provider to write an Individualized Respite Agreement. The agreement outlines activities and supports that your family member or individual you support will receive while in the program. This includes a schedule for time in the home and the community.


To be eligible for Overnight Planned Respite, an individual must:

  • be eligible for DDA services;
  • be age 18 or older;
  • habilitation services under the CORE waiver; unless receiving services from a companion home provider or community first choice residential services;
  • Live at home with a primary caregiver who needs a break from caregiving
  • Have support needs that can be safely accommodated in an available contracted and certified setting;
  • Identify a backup caregiver to respond in an emergency if the primary caregiver is unavailable;
  • Receive approval by the Adult Respite Services Committee.

Families or providers can also take tours or ask general questions from the Overnight Respite providers. To request an Overnight Planned Respite stay, you must contact your case manager.

Overnight Planned Respite (updated January 2024)



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