Person-Centered Service Planning: All About YOU

For Individuals Receiving Services from the
Washington State Developmental Disabilities Administration

hand pointing at a touch screen with people icons

If you are a client of the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA), you will see a new approach to your annual meeting with your DDA Case Resource Manager called person-centered service planning.

lightbulb graphic with lettering for Person Centered Planning, Interests, Goals, Abilities, Relationships, SupportsPerson-centered service planning looks at your whole life—your interests, abilities, relationships, needs and existing supports—all the things that make you…you. Together with your Case Resource Manager and anyone you invite to your meeting, you will identify where services and other resources can help you maintain or reach your goals for the coming year, based on all the things that are important and meaningful to you.

It all starts with a conversation centered around how you define a good life for yourself, which means that you have an essential role in your annual service planning.

What to Expect

Your DDA Case Resource Manager will send you a notice, letting you know that it’s time to schedule your annual planning  meeting. The notice will include a one page worksheet called My Page, an optional planning tool (see right) to help you think about and prepare for the meeting.

Contact your DDA Case Resource Manager to set a date and location of the meeting. You can meet at your home or any location that you choose.

Choose Who You Would Like to Come to Your Meeting. You can invite (or ask your case resource manager to invite) anyone you would like to participate in your annual planning meeting (family members, friends, support staff, etc.)

Participate and Let Your Life Be the Guide. Your Case Resource Manager will start the conversation, but it’s your participation and input that leads the planning process. It all starts with getting to know you, what’s happening in your life right now, where you see yourself in a year or 5 years, and how to get there.

It’s Your Choice! During your planning meeting, you will choose which of the services available in your waiver program, as well as other supports, that will help you reach your goals. You also have the right to choose who you want to provide these services and supports.

How to Prepare

Make the most of your person-centered planning meeting by using one or more of these free tools to think about your interests, skills, needs, and the people in your life that can help you reach your goals.

My Page
A one-page worksheet sent to all clients of DDA prior to the annual meeting to help identify what’s meaningful to you, such as your strengths, values, dreams and goals, and how you would like to be supported.

Star Form
A worksheet to identify sources of support to reach any goal—big or small, short-term or long-term. Download your Star Form here.


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