Coming Soon: PPE for Individual Providers

Close-up of hands wearing blue nitrile gloves and holding an N95 medical face mask

DSHS will soon have limited supplies of PPE for Individual Providers (IP) who are providing care to a client who has tested positive for COVID-19, or whose medical provider suspects that they have the virus. Notices about the availability of PPE are being emailed to IPs, along with a request form. To help ensure that limited supplies are getting to those most in need, PPE will not be sent unless requested.

To request PPE:

  • Fill out a request form.
  • Contact DDA by email or call 360-407-1593. Or, contact the client’s case manager.
  • Answer the following screening questions:
    • Are you caring for a client with a suspected or confirmed infection of COVID-19?
    • Have you placed an order before?
    • How many clients do you provide care to?*
  • Send your completed request form.

*To protect the identity of the person you support, please do not use any client identifying information in an email (such as name, address, phone number).

What to Expect

If you have a verified need for PPE, a 31 day supply of the following items will be sent to you directly. The type of PPE will depend on whether the person you care for has tested positive or is suspected to have COVID-19.

Additional Resources

COVID-19 Guidance for In-Home Caregivers with Limited Personal Protective Equipment
Frequently asked questions about Personal Protective Equipment


PPE for Individual Providers (PDF)

Thumbnail image of bulletin on PPE.


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