Are Remote Services Right for You?

close up man holding smartphone and turn on wifi technology for using home automation function to looking inside or outside home and property.

Technology can play a key role in helping you go about your daily activities, even if you need to stay at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic. And that includes receiving services from the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA), as well as healthcare and related therapies.

Remote Services Offered by the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA)

DDA offers remote supports for some services when a client, case manager and their provider agree that receiving the support remotely will be safe and effective.

Do the following statements apply to you?

  • My provider talks me through things a lot of the time.
  • I don’t need hands on assistance while my provider is helping me.
  • I prefer to stay away from others right now to stay healthy.
  • My provider and I agree that we can work on the same things we used to face to face over phone or internet.

If so, you may be eligible to receive remote supports. Contact your DDA Case Manager to talk about whether you may be eligible.

How does it work?

Your case manager wants you to be safe and to make sure you receive quality supports. They may ask you a few questions when you call them, such as:

  • What you and your provider plan to do together remotely?
  • What technology you and your provider plan to use and if you have the technology in your home already?
  • What kind of supervision and support you need during the day?

If you need frequent physical assistance or interventions, your case manager will talk with you about who else in the household can assist you during your remote support services.

Remote support is not for everyone.

It’s important to talk with your provider and case manager about how your supports are working for you. You can change your mind any time and can ask for a change in how you receive your supports if you want to.

Telehealth and Therapies

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Apple Health (Medicaid) managed care organizations are allowing the use of a variety of telehealth technologies to meet clients’ health care needs during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This includes visits with a:

  • primary care provider or any specialist;
  • home health provider;
  • physical, speech or occupational therapist;
  • mental health provider;
  • applied behavior analyst;
  • dentist; and
  • any other provider who wants to use this way of providing services for you.

Click here to learn more.

Additional Resources

Need Help Understanding Your Healthcare Options? Call the Help Me Grow Washington Hotline at 1-800-322-2588.

PAVE: Technology Provides Options for Medical Care from a Distance. Families staying home during the coronavirus pandemic need new ways to access medical care. Onscreen appointments—telehealth, telemedicine, teleintervention, telepsychiatry—meet some needs. Learn about telehealth and how to prepare for a visit.

Early Support for Infants and Toddlers During COVID-19 and Remote Services. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, many early intervention services have switched from in-person to virtual.

Are Remote Services Right for You? (PDF)
Thumbnail image of Remote Services article in PDF.


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