Community Based Respite for Children and Adults

Green lightbulb with neigborhood inside bulb. Text reads: Did you Know?The Developmental Disabilities Administration  (DDA) offers community-based services for children and adults for both day and overnight respite. Check out the options below and click through for program details and eligibility.


Overnight Planned Respite (for Adults)

Community-based short-term respite for adults with developmental disabilities who live in the family home.

Overnight Planned Respite is a community-based service for adult clients of the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) who live in the family home. It offers a break to paid and unpaid family caregivers (as well as unpaid non-family caregivers), and provides individualized activities and support for the adult client.

Learn More about Overnight Planned Respite


Enhanced Respite Services (for Children)

Short-term respite, stabilization, and plan development for children and youth with I/DD (ages 8-18).

Enhanced Respite Services provide access to short term respite services in a structured community-based setting for DDA enrolled children and youth who meet specific criteria (click here). Services are intended to provide a break in caregiving for families/caregivers; the opportunity for behavioral stabilization of the child; and the ability to partner with the state in the development of an individualized service plan to enable the child to return and remain at home.

Learn More About Enhanced Respite Services


Respite in a Community Setting

Clients of DDA enrolled in the Individual & Family Services waiver can receive respite from a contracted Community Respite provider, such as a recreational or therapeutic program. Tuition and fees are not covered.

The program must have a Community Respite contract with DDA.

  • If they DO NOT have a Community Respite contract,
    • ask them to consider becoming a Community Respite provider;
    • give them the attached bulletin, which explains how Respite in the Community works, and who to call for information on becoming a provider.
  • If they DO have a contract to provide respite, contact your son/daughter’s DDA case manager and ask for pre-approval.  Pre-approval is REQUIRED by DDA, and will assure the community program that payment will be made.


Learn More

Join three moms from across the state who talk about how they use different kinds of respite services and where they find respite providers. Darla Helt, Darci Ladwig and Michelle Williams.



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