Need a break? Take the DD Respite Survey

If you need a break from caregiving, we want to hear from you.

Woman in white, set against white background, touching button in foreground and ticking lime green check box.

Together with the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA), Aging & Long Term Support Administration, Lifespan Respite and PAVE, we have put together a respite survey for family caregivers of DDA clients who are not receiving a paid DDA service.

The Developmental Disabilities Respite Survey is an opportunity to tell us about your respite needs, as well as help you identify options you may not even know about.

Why Take the Survey?

By taking a few moments to be heard, you are helping our state to better to understand the needs and challenges of caregivers like yourself.

Who is the Survey For?

Family caregivers of DDA eligible individuals who are not receiving a paid DDA service (also known as the No Paid Services caseload).

How long is it?

The survey asks 12 multiple choice questions, as well as a chance to make comments.

When does it end?

The survey closes May 31, 2019.

Click here to take the DD Respite Survey

For a printed version, send a request to Ed Holen.

One page printable version of this announcment about the DD respite survey.Respite Survey Printable Bulletin (PDF)


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