Education – Transition Toolkit

Transition Planning 101

When does high school transition begin? What do goals look like and what do parents need to think about? This one page fact sheet provides a simple overview of transition years, spanning age 14-21, including a timeline of milestones to anticipate.
Click here to download IFBT Transition Planning 101 (pdf)

Transition Checklist

When it comes to planning for life after high school, there’s a lot to think about: Independent Living, Employment and Post-Secondary Education Health & Safety, Social, Financial, Legal, Housing and In-Home Supports. This one-page checklist will help you and your son/daughter identify goals and the supports needs to reach them.
Click here to download IFBT Transition Checklist (pdf)

Post Secondary Education and Vocational Training

Whether your son or daughter stays in school through age 21 or exits at age 18, post-secondary educational and vocational opportunities exist for all adults, regardless of age or ability.
Click here to download IFBT Post-Secondary Education and Vocational Training (pdf)


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