Legal Advocacy and Services

Disability Rights Washington

Legal services for disability rights violations, general information about legal rights, community education and training. Visit website | Phone: 800-562-2702 / Language interpreters are available via the AT&T Language Line. Please use 711 for Washington Relay Service (TTY)

Northwest Justice Project

Civil legal assistance and representation to low-income people in situations affecting basic human needs, such as family safety and security, housing preservation, protection of income, access to health care, education and other basic needs. Visit website | 1-888-201-1012

Washington Lawhelp

Provides information about legal issues and where to find legal help for low-income individuals. Visit website

End Harm

If you suspect that a child or vulnerable adult is being abused or neglected, call 1-866-363-4294. The operator will connect you with the right DSHS office to make your report. If you are calling about an immediate life-threatening emergency, call 911.


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