Transition Services: Supports and Guidances

Do you support a high schooler who is preparing for life after school? There are supports and guidance available for students with disabilities. They can help with the “What’s Next?” questions you and your loved one may have.

What are transition services? 

Transition services provide support and guidance to students with disabilities as they prepare to transition from high school to the workplace. Each student’s transition team includes the student and the individuals that know the student best. These can be parents, school staff, School Transition Counselors, and, in some cases, Regional Transition Consultants. Transition teams help students identify their career interests and learn what skills and training may be needed for those careers they are interested in.

My student is about to turn 18, what is next?

When a student turns 18, they will have the option to exit school, walk the stage with their peers, or continue to a transition program through their 21st year. Staying in the school system until the age of 21 can offer the benefits of a guided transition to adult life, a bridge to adult services, and the opportunity to develop independent living skills that will assist them in the next stages of life.

My student has already turned 21, what are the next steps?

DDA’s Annual Operating Budget allocates funds for clients transitioning from high school who are seeking employment and not currently receiving employment services through a waiver. Under the Basic Plus waiver, a client is eligible to receive High School Transition Funding if the client:

  • Is age 21 or older
  • Wants employment support
  • Is financially and functionally eligible for Community First Choice
  • Consents to accept Home and Community-Based Waiver Services

When can we begin transition planning?

Transition planning should begin as early as possible, but at least by age 16. Parents should ask to have employment goals integrated into their child’s individual educational program. This is a good time to become actively involved with your student’s IEP transition plan.

High school transition planning officially begins at age 16. It is important to include employment-related goals in the student’s IEP such as identifying career interests and abilities, learning self-advocacy and social skills, riding the bus, improving communication, and using technology.

How does the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation play a part in transition services?

DVR transition liaisons partner with school districts to help students enrolled in high school transition programs prepare for and find employment. DVR provides job exploration and work readiness for competitive, integrated employment after high school for students with an IEP or a 504 plan.

Resources and Links:

If you are interested in transition services, reach out to your school or your Case Resource Manager. if you do not have a DDA Case Manager, request information at

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