Spring News: Putting Ideas Into Action

Our printable spring newsletter offers information and resources for individuals and families on DDA’s No Paid Services caseload.


ADA_weallbelongThe Community Connection: Creating a Good Life
There’s no single ingredient that creates a good life. Depending on a person’s interests, abilities, needs and resources, the recipe is going to look different for each individual. The one thing that’s clear, however, is that community connections play a significant role in helping people create a life that they define for themselves as good.

Enroll Now: Openings in New DDA Home & Community Based Waiver Program
DDA has the rare opportunity of being able to offer supports through the Individual and Family Services (IFS) waiver to interested clients who live with their family and who are currently not receiving services, or only receiving personal care through Community First Choice. The IFS waiver provides small grants from $1200 to $3600 each year.

Taking Risks and Reaching Out, by Betsy McAlister
Every time I hear the word inclusion, part of me as a parent bristles. Usually, the word brings connotations and a certain set of expectations that mean I must do something. And that is where the challenge lies. Raising children in our ever-changing society is challenging, especially when your son or daughter has an intellectual disability. For any type of engagement or inclusion to work, it must be broader than a committed mom, dad, grandparent or family friend.

MattyIt’s Never Too Early: Fostering Life Skills and Relationship Building, by Matt Graffagnino
Although professionals and educators are doing their best to help with a game plan for skill development, we caregivers are the ones who have to make sure it happens on a daily basis. Believe me, I know how tough this is. We are so caught up in the day-to-day survival that we can’t look outside today to see what’s down the road.

Download the Spring Newsletter (PDF)


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