Winter News: Q&A w/DDA, Organized 4 Life, and More

Our printable winter newsletter offers information and resources for individuals and families on DDA’s No Paid Services caseload.


Q and AQ&A with DDA: What to Ask When You’re Not Sure What to Ask For
With new funding available to serve thousands of DDA eligible children and adults waiting for services, we’ve been getting questions from family members who are concerned that they don’t know what to ask for when they call to ask for services. We contacted DDA to clear up some of the confusion around requesting services.

Community of Practice: Having a Good Life
People with disabilities and their families have the right to live, love, work, play and pursue their life aspirations just as others do in their community. Find out how Washington State is implementing Community Practice through person centered practices.

Multicolored text with the word Life set against a brick wall Get Organized for Life
No matter your son/daughter’s age, chances are, you will need to apply for services, benefits or enrollment in a program throughout many stages of life. Save yourself some time and start giving all your important documents a good home so that you’ll be able to find what you need when you need it.

Community First Choice
Community First Choice (CFC) is a new program offered by DDA that strives to help children and adults be as independent as possible.

Download the Winter 2016 Newsletter (PDF)


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