Input Sought on Five Year DDC Plan

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The Washington State Developmental Disabilities Council (DDC) is preparing its next five year plan. The State Plan sets out goals, objectives, and activities that the DDC will begin working on October 1, 2017 and cover the next five years.

In developing the State Plan the DDC considers the requirements of the Council’s federal law, Public Law 106-402 as well as the needs of Washington State.

The draft State Plan goals, objectives and activities are now ready for your review and comments.

You may access a copy of the State Plan goals, objectives and activities at the DDC website. You may note there is a translator service on the site under the Menu bar.

Should you like a printed copy, please email Linda West or call 1 800 634 4473, and we will be happy to mail you a copy.

Comments are due March 31, 2016. You may email your comments by March 31, 2016 to Linda West or send comments by mail to:
Attn: Linda West
P.O. Box 48314
Olympia, WA 98504-8314

All comments and observations will be reviewed by the DDC as we finalize the State Plan. Any questions please call Ed Holen, DD Council Executive Director: 1-800-634-4473.

Thank you for your input into this important process.


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