Sponsored by the National Center for Family/Professional Partnerships (NCFPP), Family Voices and SPAN Parent Advocacy Network
A webinar series to support understanding and learning in key leadership development areas.
Knowing Yourself as a Change Agent
Join us in the first of a series of short leadership development sessions. These first sessions will explore how personal reflection and self-assessment helps each of us increase our understanding of our personal leadership style. We will provide examples of reflection and assessment activities and include personal experiences from advocates for youth.
Wednesday, April 4th, Part One : Leadership styles
Wednesday, April 18th, Part Two: Self-assessments and reflection
What is my culture? What are my values?
Each of us has apersonal leadership style and leadership journey . This is shaped by personal values and culture. The next sessions in the leadership journey series focus on defining culture and values and how each connects to leadership. As we reflect on our own culture and leadership, we will discuss how to engage in reaching health equity and building inclusive communities. Join us in this session for learning, reflection activities, and discussion.
Wednesday, May 2nd, Part One: Culture and values reflection
Wednesday, May 16th, Part Two: The role of youth leadership in health equity work
Cultural Perspectives on Self-Care in Leadership
How do you create an environment that is supportive of each person’s values and cultural perspectives on self-care? The purpose of this session is to explore person-driven approaches to self-care. We will also as share concrete and inclusive practices that emerging young leaders can adopt that embrace diverse perspectives and collective approaches to community and selfcare.
Wednesday, May 30th
Click here to register.
The National Center for Family / Professional Partnerships (NCFPP) provides leadership development to family and youth leaders and professional partners in order to promote the engagement of families in meaningful ways in systems level activities and encourage the reduction of health disparities through family engagement.