Youth Mental Health Referral Service

Boy looking into the distance
On April 1, Seattle Children’s launched a free telephone-based referral service to connect families with evidence-supported community-based outpatient mental health services for children and teens. This state-sponsored service is funded by Washington Health Care Authority and operated by Seattle Children’s.

The Washington Mental Health Referral Service for Children and Teens:

  • Is a community resource that serves children and teens age 17 and younger from across Washington state. Children do not need to be Seattle Children’s patients to use this service.
  • Is staffed by a team at Seattle Children’s who connects families with resources that meet the unique needs of the child or teen, including mental health treatment, geographic location, family availability and insurance information.
  • Works closely with the existing Partnership Access Line. Both providers and patients or families can call the Mental Health Referral Service line.

Note: If your family member is eligible for Developmental Disabilities Administration services, you can also talk to your family member’s DDA Case Resource Manager, doctor, and local mental health agency. The Washington State Mental Health Referral Service resource is an additional new tool for you to use.

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