Ages 14-21: Advocacy & Self-Advocacy

Parent Advocacy

Because the waiting lists for services are so long, it’s important to get involved with advocacy efforts to meet the needs of the unserved. Parent coalitions help improve the service system by advocating with a unified voice. Contact The Arc of Washington State to find out if there’s a parent coalition near you. Call toll-free 1-888-754-8798.


Until now, you have been the only person speaking for your child. Now that he or she is either reaching or has already entered adulthood, it’s especially important for his or her voice to be heard.

People First of Washington promotes self-advocacy in all areas of a person’s life. In many parts of the state, they are creating self-advocacy chapters in high schools. For more information, call People First toll-free at 1-800-758-1123.

Self Advocates in Leadership, known as SAIL, also offers many opportunities for people with developmental disabilities to shape the services and policies that affect their lives. For more information about SAIL, contact the Arc of Washington State at 1-888-754-8798 or visit SAIL’s website.

Legal Advocacy and Protection

Disability Rights Washington
Legal services for disability rights violations, general information about legal rights, community education and training.  1-800-562-2702 | Language interpreters are available via the AT&T Language Line. Please use 711 for Washington Relay Service (TTY)

NW Justice Project
Civil legal assistance and representation to low-income people in situations affecting basic human needs, such as family safety and security, housing preservation, protection of income, access to health care, education and other basic needs.  1-888-201-1012 (Outside King County) | 2-1-1 (Inside King County)

Washington LawHelp
Provides information about legal issues and where to find legal help for low-income individuals.

If you suspect that a child or vulnerable adult is being abused or neglected, call this number: 1-866-363-4276 The operator will connect you with the right DSHS office to make your report. [Note: If you are calling about an immediate life-threatening emergency, call 911.]


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