UW Certificate in DD

lightbulb clipartThe UW Certificate in Developmental Disabilities prepares graduate students and community professionals in health, education, behavioral and other related fields to develop greater knowledge and skill recognizing and meeting the unique needs of individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.

The Certificate in Developmental Disabilities is a 15-credit-hour interdisciplinary program. Students must successfully complete and pass 9 student credit hours of CHDD coursework and pass 6 student credit hours in pre-approved elective courses within the student’s own or another academic department. Included in this work is a final capstone project.

The part-time graduate certificate program employs flexible online distance education along with interactive classroom sessions designed to accommodate the schedule of graduate students enrolled in degree programs and the work schedules of community professionals. Scholarships may be available for qualified candidates. At this time, CHDD courses are open only to students enrolled in this certificate program.

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