Assistive Technology Grant: Snohomish County

From The Arc of Snohomish County

The Arc Snohomish County logo


Update September 1, 2019—This grant is currently closed. A new grant is expected to open soon. We will update the link for applying when that happens.


The Arc of Snohomish County and The Wockner Foundation have collaborated to distribute funds to support communication for qualified individuals with developmental disabilities. The purpose of the individual grant funding is to provide communication/speech output devices to individuals that do not have other means by which to purchase these devices and software necessary to utilize these devices.

Communication is such a huge human necessity, which is why we are focused on this therapeutic, educational and social need in the lives of individuals with developmental disabilities in order to positively impact their ability to produce speech effectively. Consistency between care providers, families and school personnel is necessary in order for any one assistive technology system to be successful, which is why we require the recommendations of a speech therapist familiar with the applicant, so that we can support them in a manner that increases their chances of success throughout their community.

This grant program focuses on allowing the applicant to have a consistent way to communicate in all settings of their lives; not just in limited settings. IPads, tablets, and communication apps are often used as communication devices because they are easy to transport, easily available, and are a familiar devise that are easily used in most community settings.

Individual Grant Guidelines:

The Arc of Snohomish County supports grants which assist individuals with developmental disabilities in Snohomish County. The Assistive Technology Grant’s focus is to assist individuals with developmental disabilities with the ability to communicate, provided through an assistive technological device.

The Arc of Snohomish County Assistive Technology Grant does not consider grant proposals for Assistive Technology covered by entitlement programs or within an individual’s financial means.

Family members or board members of the administrating organization are not eligible to apply for or receive grant funds.

Requests for up to $700 may be made. Individuals are eligible to receive Assistive Technology grant funds every 3 years (must not have received funding from any other grant opportunity from the Arc of Snohomish County within the last 2 years).

Please view full Grant Guidelines.

To initiate the grant-making process, applicants must complete the grant application form and submit with supporting documentation to Assistive Technology Grant, c/o The Arc of Snohomish County, Attention Megan Mittelstaedt, 2500 Hewitt Ave., Suite 300, Everett, WA 98201 or submit your application by email.

Download the Assistive Technology Application


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