Consumer Directed Employer Webinars

Red quote box with Webinar in white.

DSHS is getting closer to implementing an upcoming change in how Individual Providers are employed and paid. Consumer Direct Care Network Washington is the Consumer Directed Employer vendor selected by DSHS. To learn more and prepare for the changeover, please join one of CDWA’s June webinars.

If you receive services from an Individual Provider (IP), care for someone who receives IP services, or you provide IP services, this is for you.

You are welcome to register for as many webinars as you choose:

Attendees will have the opportunity to submit questions during the webinars. Questions will be answered and posted in the Resources section of the CDWA website, along with webinar recordings.

The changeover will start with a small pilot group of clients and IPs this summer. Additional clients and IPs will transition in two phases later in 2021 and into 2022.

Clients and IPs will need to submit new documentation to CDWA during the CDE changeover. CDWA will be the IP employer by early 2022.

Learn more about how you can be ready for a successful changeover. Please join CDWA at these information sessions.


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