Services to Help Make Meaningful Connections

Community Engagement Services

Woman, smiling, in art studio, painting.

WHAT is it?

Community Engagement services are flexible, individually designed services to help individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities connect to their local community and reach goals that they set for themselves.

A person can have more than one goal, or change goals as they discover more about themselves, meet new people and connect with their community. The goals are typically short-term, lasting 3 months to a year; however, service hours can be renewed at the person’s annual service planning meeting.

Services are provided by an individual or agency who is contracted with the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA). A provider may not be a parent of the participant or an employee of Aging and Long Term Care Services Administration or DDA.

Green map of Washington State with graphic of a finger locator in the center of the map.For a listing of providers by county, visit our locator map.

Individuals have used Community Engagement services to:

  • pursue creative and educational goals
  • access free and low cost resources
  • get connected to community
    classes (e.g., cooking, pottery, dance, sign language, exercise, yoga)
  • locate housing and/or roommates
  • learn how to manage finances
  • explore assistive technologies to increase communication, independence and connection to others
  • connect with people in the community who share similar interests (such as art, music, games, sports)
  • create an emergency preparedness plan that maximizes connections to neighbors and others in the community

WHO is it for?

Community Engagement services are for individuals enrolled in DDA’s Individual and Family Services (IFS), DDA’s Basic Plus, and Core waivers.

HOW do I request it?

If you are currently enrolled in DDA’s Basic Plus, Core or IFS waiver, contact your DDA case manager to request services. Community Engagement services can be accessed at the time of your annual assessment or anytime throughout your plan year.

If you are on DDA’s No Paid Services Caseload, fill out an online request form or call the Service Request & Information line nearest you.

Community Engagement Bulletin

Image of printable bulletin with information about Community Guide and Engagement services.



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