Recreational Programs and Respite

Boy with a disability riding a horseThe new Individual & Family Services (IFS) waiver brings some basic changes for families who have used the old IFS program to pay for recreational and therapeutic programs offered by local community organizations:

  • IFS Waiver now covers services by contracted Community Respite providers only. Tuition and fees are not covered and there are no reimbursements to parents.
  • If you want the state to pay for a community recreational or therapeutic program, the program must have a Community Respite contract with DDA.  Please ask the program to contact DDA to obtain the appropriate contract or for further information.

A Comparison of Old vs New

Old IFS Program

  • Recreational fees and tuition are covered.
  • Person or family pays the program fee. DDA reimburses.
  • Camp or program has a Recreational  Opportunity Contract.

New IFS Waiver

  • Fees and tuition are NOT covered, but hours of respite provided by the program are.
  • Cost of pre-approved service is paid directly to the provider.
  • Provider must have a Community Respite Contract.

What to Do

Girl with Down syndrome on swings, smilingIf your son/daughter is on the IFS waiver and you would like to use respite in a community setting, such as a recreational or therapeutic program:

  • Ask your community recreational or therapeutic program if they have a Community Respite contract with DDA. This is different from a Recreational Opportunity contract used under the old IFS program.
  • If they DO NOT have a Community Respite contract, or if they have a Recreational Opportunity Contract used under the old IFS program:
    • ask them to consider becoming a Community Respite provider;
    • give them the attached bulletin, which explains how Respite in the Community works, and who to call for information on becoming a provider.
  • If they DO have a contract to provide respite, contact your son/daughter’s DDA case manager and ask for pre-approval.  Pre-approval is REQUIRED by DDA, and will assure the community program that payment will be made.


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