Make a Mask and Share Your Creative Ideas

From the Developmental Disabilities Administration

Toy plush monkey in a homemade medical mask on the background of a brick wall with space for copying. Concept - protection from coronavirus.

The CDC rolled out new recommendations and believes that wearing face masks can slow the spread of COVID-19. The virus can spread through respiratory droplets by coughing, sneezing, or talking in close proximity to someone. The CDC is asking Americans not to buy surgical masks or N95 respirators, reserve those for the health care workers and first responders. But, what you can do is MAKE YOUR OWN masks! (Check out this video to make your own mask.)

There are many wonderful stories of people making masks for their family members, neighbors, and even first responders are circulating.

Are you making masks for the people you support? For friends and community members? Share your stories to the DDA Feedback inbox.


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