Face Covering FAQs for Caregivers

Group of people wearing medical face masks. Protection against virus.

My Face Covering Protects You. Your Face Covering Protects Me.

The Department of Social & Health Services recently sent face coverings to Individual Providers (IPs) providing care to individuals who do not have COVID-19 symptoms. Each IP receives 2 face coverings for themselves, and 2 face coverings for each client they support (as long as the client wants to and is able to do so safely, without distress or objection).

Due to a severe national shortage of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), these face coverings are being sent to help lower the risk of infecting others in the event the wearer has the virus and doesn’t know it (also called “asymptomatic”). Although these are not PPE, they are still very helpful in protecting each other.

These face coverings are not for use in providing care to COVID-19 positive individuals. If you are supporting someone with suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19, please request official PPE from DDA (or Area Agency on Aging if they are not a client of DDA) so that when PPE supplies are available, they can make arrangements to get them to you.


DSHS Face Covering FAQs

DSHS Instructions: How to Wear a Face Covering (Black Cloth Masks)

DSHS Instructions: How to Wear a Face Mask (White Cloth Masks) 


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